Tjörn, a substantial farm and church and a parsonage till 1917, birthplace of Dr. Kristján Eldjárn (1916–82), 3rd President of Iceland. On the slope directly above the farm there was a cottage farm called Gullbringa. In 1884 the artist Arngrímur Gíslason from Skörð in the Reykjahverfi district moved in there and built a studio on to the cottage. This was probably the first artist’s studio in the country. In the 80’s the Central Bank of Iceland had the building, known as Arngrímsstofa (“Arngrímur’s studio”), restored in memory of Kristján Eldjárn, who had written a book about Arngrímur in 1983. In the keeping of the National Museum since 1953 and is looked after by the family at Tjörn.