
Tjörn, a substantial farm and church and a parsonage till 1917, birthplace of Dr. Kristján Eldjárn (1916–82), 3rd President of Iceland. On the slope directly above the farm there was a cottage farm called Gullbringa. In 1884 the artist Arngrímur Gíslason from Skörð in the Reykjahverfi district moved in there and built a studio on to the cottage. This was probably the first artist’s studio in the country. In the 80’s the Central Bank of Iceland had the building, known as Arn­gríms­stofa (“Arngrímur’s studio”), restored in memory of Kristján Eldjárn, who had written a book about Arngrímur in 1983. In the keeping of the National Museum since 1953 and is looked after by the family at Tjörn.